The Abbey Church of Our Lord, the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Germain, Selby – Repairs to the North Porch
Dating from c.1100, the Abbey is the earliest of the great Benedictine Houses in Northern England. As part of the overall campaign to repair the external masonry, we have recently overseen a phase of work to the North Porch. The porch consists original masonry of c.1170 and provides shelter to the glorious Romanesque North Door. The porch masonry has previously undergone some repair and remodelling. Prior to work on site and more detailed study, archive searches confirmed previous modifications in the 19th and 20th centuries, revealed by paintings and photographs. The shields and figures of Saint Germanus and Saint Benedict date from Oldrid Scott’s work of 1935. The Doorway was conserved and in the process revealed tiny fragments of polychromy.