The Abbey Church is one of the largest parish churches in the country. Founded as a Benedictine Abbey c.1070 after William’s victory over the northern Earls. It is one of the few monastic churches to survive as a parish church. Construction of the stone church began at the start of the 12thC with the central tower, the first two bays of the Nave (to triforium level) and their accompanying aisles. Following this, the Transepts, the apsidal Norman Choir and then the third and fourth bays of the Nave were built. As a consequence, the Nave Triforia masonry is a splendid assortment of changing designs. Having been involved with repair projects at the Abbey since 2002, David has come to know the building well. Becoming inspecting architect in 2010 he has carried out two quinquennial inspections. It is a very impressive church.